How to save money on craft supplies


Crafts are so addicting. There’s nothing more satisfying than completing a project. But there are definitely times where those DIY bath bomb supplies are more expensive than actually buying bath bombs at the store. Thankfully, there’s an easy way to save money on DIY supplies.

Here’s the trick: Capital One Shopping.


If you haven’t already heard, Capital One Shopping is a popular Chrome extension that automatically finds coupon codes while you shop at Hobby Lobby, Michael’s or almost anywhere else. Then at checkout, it magically applies one to your cart. You just click the notification, and Capital One Shopping does the work. It takes literally zero effort to save money.


Not only does Capital One Shopping find money-saving coupon codes, but it also compares prices on Amazon. While you shop, it checks hundreds of other sellers to find a lower price. It even found $50 off this Cricut machine — and that includes shipping + tax.

The best part? It’s totally free. Do yourself (and your wallet) a favor and get Capital One Shopping HERE.